Tuesday, July 31, 2007


the slacker act cute

corene; 13th august

zhou yang

is that my leg?

dad and mom
my scars are committment
Last week
Received my pay
$300+ though
Bought a roller blade
Was thinking to buy the $160+
But thinking that beginner will not need such a good one
So bought the average that cost around $99
Perhaps Sunday going out with classmates to bugis to shop for clothes
Didn’t want to but was forced to choose someone out in our rj
Still not sure about some moves
Ought to improve
And determine to strive even better
Jump for tomorrow
Wednesday, roller blade with corene though blisters and bluey black all around the arms and knees
My butt still suffered from falls.
Will it be nice if you online on 13th august and someone with the nick say”hey I finally came out”
Hint*13th august, the start of hungry ghost festival
Or having someone to message you and say hi dad/mom I out today so prepare some food or feast for me?
Seriously, I don’t like that period
Who does anyways
As long as your conscious are clear, you got nothing to be afraid of.
But you will still feel fear in your heart though
When can I skip school.
Every morning, feeling tired and not wanting to get up to school.
took cab today to school.
2nd time.
my scars are committment
Let me congrat belated happy birthday to sherry on 24th july and stephy on 28th july
happy birthday!!(:
my scars are committment
Monday, July 23, 2007

yes.he is sick.((: in e mind.

guess whose hand.
thats su fang.
she dont allow me to post up her pictures.

thats xerxes and stepfanie.
my scars are committment
what i gona buy
more clothes
high light hair.
shopping spree.
my scars are committment
i think i am half of my dad and mom
he is generous among his friends.
doesnt save money
spent without thinking whether the money is enough
spent thrift
prefer to save than spend.
think money for the future.
into me.
sometimes, i will generous to my friends,
provided when i had save enough money.
and sometimes i prefer to save than spent.
so random
see my mood.
my scars are committment
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I shall do translate it from yixian blog.
*some of the questions I skipped due to errors process by translating
Also known as don’t know how to translate.*
1) What goal do you want to be fulfill now
The goal are getting good grade/waiting for fate.
That why I currently thinking now.
2) What will you do if your partner makes you mad?
Depends, try to tolerance/ignore.
3) Will you crush on 2 people or more at the same time?
Maybe.but love is only one.
4) What will you do if you had only one day left?
Try to make the second day/too much to think about.
5) Do you believe in alien?
No for now, unless I see it.
6) What do you think is the most important in character?
7) What is the most precious thing that you have now?
Family and friends.
8) What will you do when you had a bad day at work?
Tolerance till 10.30pm
my scars are committment
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

this few days, i have been keep forgetting things.
let's say for example,
monday,i forgot to bring my laptop charger.i realised when i reached home.
tuesday, i almost forgot to bring my shoe bag to work,thanks to hai boon
i forgot to bring my water bottle home.
whats more?
bought sweets and challenge Su fang.
entreprise today,no wayy.
my scars are committment
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
first,let me thanks SU FANG for helping me with my blog?
i think of changing my blog skins.
like something white and simple.
i did some and she helped me with that.
shall bought packs of sweets for you later.
yesterday was my sister ,jessicia birthday!
pizzas and cakes
she recieved roller blade
i shall buy soon.
pictures soon
working today.
so how ?what do you think of the new skin?
my scars are committment
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hey all,was busying with work,wushu,and studies. Its more about work.
Anyways,what happened past weeks?
Grandma birthday
Celebrated her birthday on 8th july.
The one who make me up to whom I am today
Pictures coming up.
And also we had sort of ang mo cyber webcam in class.
To the extend that that ang mo actually show his d*** in the webcam
And people like hannie was going to be crazy. ;)
Friday skipped wushu cos was dling the files of the modules.
And spent too much time on it, and also went home with steph.
She went for the talk so shun bian go home together.
And also having kbox with my cousins.
She gona teach me and another cousin to sing .
;) thanks thanks.
I shall practice more.
Its better than asking those choir people how to sing,what they will respond is I don’t know. What the use? How the teacher teach them and they don’t know how to teach the others? Tskkkk.
And its also better than someone who critise you when its none of her business.
Pictures coming up soon.((:
Oh yeah. thanks for adelyn called me after work.wait. should be welcome. Cos she got problems, like mental and I helped her and entertain.
Am I good?
Of cos((:
I can entertain once,twice but not forever.
Reflect again
I think I am not committed in my relationships before.
But first what is your meaning of committed? Before you comment.
Yes, I agree that I wont ask for break up, I loved them truly, I wont flirt with others girls, I only want them.
I think I failed in that sometimes I tend to look for something better. And the evilness in my soul.
That’s why I reminded myself that story on the column of my blog.
my scars are committment